Desalination System in the Algarve region and the Photovoltaic Plant for Self-ConsumptionHydraulics Water supply Portugal
Construction of the Neurocritics ICU at the Vila Nova de Gaia Hospital Center / EspinhoBuildings Health Portugal
Residential building and surrounding outdoor spaces in Bairro dos Alfinetes in MarvilaBuildings Housing Portugal
Pranto Pipeline and Marnoto Distributor and Quinta do Seminário Hydraulic CircuitHydraulics Irrigation Portugal
Redevelopment of the banks of Ribeira de Bensafrim and the Lagos Chinicato connectionHydraulics River Hydraulics Portugal
Development and Implementation of Waste Management System of Used Lamps for EMAE: Water and Electricity CompanyEnvironment Urban Solid Waste São Tomé e Príncipe
Structural intervention to prevent collapses on the slope of Forte de São FilipeBuildings Public Portugal
Infrastructure and parking to support the buildings of the Armed Forces SubdivisionBuildings Services Portugal