Bota Rama Road – Salineiro (Old City Ring)

Technical, Economic and Environmental Feasibility Study
EVC Estradas de Cabo Verde
Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde
Construction of stretch of National Road 124 between Cardosas (tunnel) and National highway 125

Construction of stretch of National Road 124 between Cardosas (tunnel) and National highway 125

Rehabilitation works of the RN2 and RN3 (Section Mtsangadjou – Mohoro – Foumbouni – Ouroveni – 26 km)

Rehabilitation works of the RN2 and RN3 (Section Mtsangadjou – Mohoro – Foumbouni – Ouroveni – 26 km)

Toll Stations / Weighing the Benin Road Network

Toll Stations / Weighing the Benin Road Network

Design and Supervision for the Construction of the Toll Station on the RN1

Design and Supervision for the Construction of the Toll Station on the RN1